Using SubSync is quite easy, but in case you need some help getting started with this application, here is a short how-to for using it to automatically synchronize subtitles. Using Subtitle Speech Synchronizer (SubSync) Related: Download Subtitles Via Right Click From File Manager Or Command Line With OpenSubtitlesDownload.py Subtitle Sync free download - Subtitle Workshop, Atomic Clock Sync, HTC Sync, and many more programs. Subtitle Speech Synchronizer supports automation, by passing arguments on the command line, but the application GUI needs to run in order to perform the subtitle synchronization. The application features auto character encoding detection, drag and drop support, as well as an easy to use user interface. Some advanced settings are also included, like max points distance, minimum speech recognition score and more, but for most uses you don't need to change anything here. SubSync can also synchronize subtitles based on other subtitles that are available in other languages.

The SubSync interface only supports English and Polish languages right now though. This is done by using dictionary files that are automatically downloaded by Subtitle Speech Synchronizer, supporting a large number of languages.
Subtitle sync software movie#
The automatic movie subtitle synchronization is done by analyzing the audio track, even if it's in a different language than the subtitle file. Below is a list of the best ten subtitle editors for video editing on Windows/Mac. This application is a small software that allows having an original and well synchronized subtitle, assign the times to another translation that has sync errors. There are many subtitle tools which can help you add and edit video subtitle.

The developer provides binaries for Linux (Snap) and Microsoft Windows. SubtitleMixer Small tool to synchronize or mix two subtitles files. SubSync, or Subtitle Speech Synchronizer, is a very handy tool that automatically synchronizes movie subtitles, so you don't have to adjust them manually.